Indigenous re-existence in the Brazilian context of re-democratization: perspectives for educational intercultural cooperation

17/02/2023 11:41

The democratic “Unity and Reconstruction” project of the newly elected government in Brazil (2023-2026) implemented, among other strategic actions, the creation of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples (MPI). This institution grants political status to the struggles of resistance and re-existence of the original and traditional peoples of the multi-ethnic Brazilian nation.

Let’s start our conversation with the initial contact with the Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, APIB), whose leaders took over the leadership of the state’s indigenist institutions now.

In this meeting, we will seek to share and discuss our educational and research projects, in order to envision possible articulation strategies between us in the perspective to reestablish our ways of life, education and production according to ancestral principles of “Well Living”. This is key theme of the ancestral cosmovisions of the original peoples, which can be summarized in its principles of relationality, complementarity, reciprocity and integrality.

3 March 2023 9:00am11:00am (2 de Mar, 20h ás 22pm – horário de Brasília)

Chamberlain Building (35), Room 102 or 

Visit the website:

Watch the web series Maracá:

Watch the video (with English subtitles): Paulo Freire and Abya Yala

Listen to podcast:

Eventually learn more by the articles published about the theme:

FLEURI, Reinaldo Matias. Interculturality, Identity and Decoloniality. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change. v. 12, n. 1, Jan-Mar, 2021.

FLEURI, R. M.; FLEURI, L. J. . Learning from Brazilian Indigenous Peoples: Towards a Decolonial Education. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, p. 1-11, 2017.